Magic happens when you just...

Magic happens..when you..just be.

Despite the risk of sounding like a lazy yogi, I’ll say it, my favorite pose is the Shavasana or the corpse pose where you lie down, tilt both palms to face the sky, relax all the muscles, release every tension in your body, open your heart and let the energy of the universe course through your entire being. It teaches us to truly lie in tranquility and accept. And these things are more difficult than we think.

Acceptance doesn’t come easy when we live in a world that teaches us to ask why, when more of the exploration has been outward, to space and beyond, rather than inward, and especially when it necessitates letting go. After all, it’s always easier and simpler to hold on to what’s familiar and comfortable. But fear not, as when we do, it allows for more space to grow, more space for the universe to fill. 

Running around Albert park is an activity I’ve gotten so accustomed to - I know all the turns, all the risky parts where a black swan can just attack you, the markers per kilometer - that I didn’t think anything about it could still surprise me. Yesterday, however, was different. Yesterday the wind would be scoring a 7 in the Beaufort scale, with a speed of about 50-60 km/hour, almost akin to a gale. The trees, although bare of leaves, swayed to the direction of the wind. Initially, my dodgy right hip was aching, sending sharp pangs of pain down my legs with every step and and every twist, making it even harder to run. The water in the lake was rising and forming waves, foam breaks and white streaks are made visible, and along them, the ducks and swans were surfing. I was nearly two kilometers in and on the verge of giving up and calling it a day. Instead I gave in - extended my arms into a release and dropped my aim of breaking my record. It was then when I felt like sun greeted my face with warmth and the wind blew against my body, as if an embrace from the universe. The force enveloped my being and it was just, magical. Or at least, a sensation I don’t get most days I go running. 

The feeling provided a changed pace and transported me to a differ place. And I couldn’t help pondering on how mysterious nature works, and the forces in the world, and how much things can transpire to our favor if we just let go and accept it. 

In the end, I did break my record or set a new record - my slowest run and the longest time it took me to cover those 6 kilometers. haha But I was perfectly happy.


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