the pseudo-person

(for November 22)

I dont usually converse through text with people I don't know or haven't met but for this particular person I made an exception.

Honestly I felt weird replying to a person who was a somewhat stranger. I mean, sure he's the best friend of one of my good friends, but still, I don't like operating on those terms. But he made sense and surprisingly enough he didn't bore me and drove me off to sleep. By the time we'd been talking for over a week, I felt like I had a bogus friend, a figment of my imagination that resulted as a way for compensating my lack of college guy friends I could talk to on a regular basis. And I don't know. there's just this certain thrill spilling information to a pseudo stranger, or someone whom you haven't met. I mean, what harm could it possibly bring right.

He was, i mean is, taking up psychology as his pre-medicine course. He told me that he had a 10hour week schedule. Upon learning this I felt like questioning my administrators and all the regents, what did we do to deserve a 30 hour week schedule for duty alone, coupled with 5 hour lectures for 2 days and numerous assignments and undeniably heavy workload. And then the second question settled in. Does he actually qualify as a student? 10 hours of class a week? That's like one day of duty for me. Excluding the time I need to prepare for duty.

Anyway I don't usually go and call people smart but I have to admit that he is smart. Smart enough to have said something that kind of rocked my socks. Not that I actually wear socks. I'm more of a white stockings kind of person. or barefoot.

He summed up his philosophy on love and life through this statement: Life is a continuum while love is merely a buffer.

Take a look at that. Managing to combine physics and chemistry and romance and philosophy in one poignant statement. I actually didn't buy it at first, accused him of quoting it from a movie or a song I probably haven't heard of. Then I insinuated that he must have derived it from one of Freud's theories, or Piaget or some pillar in Psychology. Tell me I've gone overboard but I actually typed that line into google just to verify that it was authentic.

And authentic it is.


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